Today was a quiet one. We had nothing we had planned and nothing that we had to do. We went to the hardware to see if I could easily get the wood required to fix the play structure or if it would take more effort than that. Of course, it will take more effort than expected, but that in itself was what I had expected. Levi and I have been tossing around ideas for his Australian birthday party as he has a big stake in the whole thing. We have started to settle on an idea about making a big splatter painting with all the kids. We shall see!
While we were there, we found a kit to make a bird feeder and went home afterwards to make it. It has been fun to do these projects with Levi. As he ages I need to help less and less and it is more and more fun. This time, Levi did all but the holding together of the pieces while they set. He loves it when we do projects together.
Levi painted it and it came out beautiful. The brown spots on the top are seeds to show the birds what they are about to eat! That's if you are wondering! The other thing that is happening, is the 'Project table' is getting more and more of a character. It is getting more layers of paint and glue and remnants of projects.
Levi has also been talking a lot about what happens when people die. He is worrying about what would happen if I die. I hope he doesn't know something more than I do! It isn't something that most kids spend a lot of time worrying about but Levi's life has been surrounded by people dying. When Frankie was dying we were grateful to the hamster for going belly up because it gave Evan and Ross a death to ponder before they had Frank's death to assimilate. Levi has had death as a part of his life; his brother (although he didn't know Frank, significantly influences his life), his grandfather, his friend from school (Ethan was a good enough friend to get one of the four invitations to his fourth birthday party). I think that it is a legitimate concern for this little worrier. I told him that the people that he went to after I died would love him as much as I do. His answer was;
"What if you die before you have taught me everything you need to?"
I think that sometimes he really surprises me! I told him that I would write as much as I could so he could find it. I am working on it. It is a daunting task. A lifetime of love and learning.
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