Monday, October 31, 2011


I have bought a oil painting from photo that was on a new website that Mim found for us all.  It is a page that just collates all the Scoopons, Deal of the Day and all the other possible deals in your city that day.  I am afraid it only works for Australia but I'll bet there is an alternate one in USA.  The website is Buyii and it has everything that I have watched in the way of deals and more.  I particularly look for travel type deals and things like canvas photographs.  So anyway, I have been looking through some photos of Frankie and the boys to try to decide which one to use. 

It has made me look through the happy days and it has been a blessing for me to look at these photos.  It reminds me that he (and I) were very happy.  It reminds me that there was a time that he was just a kid running around with his brothers!  He has the chubby Prednisone cheeks in all of these photos but really only I see that.  I have been thinking about Frank a little in the last few days.  So has Levi, interestingly, but I would need to talk to another person to completely talk about that.  I love that Levi thinks about Frank.  I love that he seems to know who he is without the emotional backlash that would be possible for this situation. 

These photos are some of the finalists in the "Get to an Oil Painting" competition!  I wish it was much easier to choose!

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