Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Term Off

The last few days have been, who knows!  For want of a better word - tiring.  I am sick with a low grade thing that is not worth even whining about but enough to make it hurt a bit to breathe and to wear me out more than I should be.  Levi has been a bit off too but it doesn't look like he is sick or getting sick.  He and I are just getting back into the routines required for the next term.  He was having trouble going to sleep so I let him fall asleep on the sofa beside me.

This is a free term.  It means that Levi and I are not doing soccer and we are not doing swimming.  He is not starting judo or karate.  We are just having a stress free term.  We are not having to wake up at 7am on a Sunday morning.  It has been a fabulous first week.  We have slept in most mornings.  I am thinking there will come a time when taking a term off will no longer work, but for the next few years Levi and I are going to take Term 4 off.  It just makes sense!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you're fighting a bug again. I do hope you kick it to the curb soon!

    I do think it's great that you're taking the term off to relax together. Activities are fantastic, but there's value in taking time off & just spending time together, too (imo).
