It was Labour Day today. Yes, I finally found out why we had a day off. Initially we were going to go skating at the rink but Levi freaked on the way out, because he thought we were talking about the skate park and not the rink. So it wasn't worth it. I gave up. It wasn't worth fighting him on a day that he was tired anyway. About a second later Ty called wanting Levi to come and play, so it was all solved! Just to let you know, Nate (above) was checking his brakes (you can hardly tell his Dad is a mechanic) and even though the photo looks like a huge stack, it isn't.
In the afternoon, we all met at the netball courts to play. It made me feel happy watching the kids play happily without worry of terrorism or fear that their lives would suddenly change. It made me feel sorry for Osama Bin Laden. I know I am not supposed to feel sorry for him but I can't help it. Actually what I feel is incredibly complicated. I think that the world is safer today than it was last week or at least I hope so. I think that if I were in front of Osama and had the opportunity, I would have pulled that trigger quite happy in the knowledge of 'greater good'. I am happy that he is dead.
I my heart though, I feel very sorry for him, but more sorry for his children and grandchildren, all being fed hate with their breast milk and continued until there is no option but the thought processes they have been indoctrinated in. I see the same indoctrination in other places too, including Australia and USA. I have no idea how to teach Levi what I believe is the truth, without taking from him the ability and the permission to question them. I want him to be free from my biases and my fears. I want him to be strong enough to look for the answers himself, even if the answers take a lifetimes. Above all I want him to be compassionate, not just to those it comes easy for.
I will look back on the day that the navy killed Osama with relief, but I hope that we all look back on this day with a reflection of what it is possible that any one of us could have become, given a different birth place, different parents, different brain patterns, different childhood.
Look at this face. I can only hope that he becomes a proud happy adult who has the courage to take the shot if he needs but take it with compassion.