Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ready for bed

The little mancub was a little tired again. I will be grateful for the holidays and we can both catch up a little. He didn't want to go to school today and then didn't want to leave after school care. They were playing AFL football and he was loving it. They played a game that involved holding a football and running after each other. I have no idea how it was football, but it did involve lots of tackling and running. The running looked aimless but they all seemed to run into each other fairly regularly. It was great to watch. A perfect game to wear out the kids and they all go home happy.
Levi read about half the words in a book tonight. He really has no sight words but sounds out the words each time. I think if we read the same book every night he would get them fast but again I'm just happy to go at his speed. I am in the throes of organizing his birthday party. We are having a scavenger hunt with activities rather than for objects. They will have to paint a train (I am making plaster trains) and then put their hands on a canvas that I will put on his wall. They have to colour a robot and make a Lego car. The plan is to have team leaders that help them out. My friends from work will likely provide that assistance. I bought sweatshirts in team colours and I will iron on a badge for each team. The sweatshirts are super cheap at the moment so even the with the badges they are about $6 each. It will make a fun thing to take home. The teams can make extra points for finding stuff as well, like turkey feathers and rocks. Plus they will get points for finding stuff out, like how much rain is in the gauge and how many rocks are on the climbing wall. I'm looking forward to it, but it is hard work. Fun work though!

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