Sunday, February 26, 2012

Teeth Problems

Today the creek went down but really, really slowly.  It wasn't down enough to actually go shopping or really to go out at all.  We made an attempt to go out but it was still way too fast and high to try it without a really urgent reason.  There is still plenty of debris but we have all worked at it and there is a little path down the side, so hopefully we will all get to work/school tomorrow.  It seems that all the rainfall did this time was to make the weekend really annoying and closed in.  We cooked but there was only the muffin mix in the cupboard.  Tip for next time - Even though it looks and feels like silicon, it might not be silicon.  One of the moulds that we used for the muffins, turned out to be an icecube tray and not an oven tray.  Yes, I did spend the next three hours cleaning melted plastic out of the oven.  I also discovered that neither of my two smoke detectors was actually working!  Actually in the scheme of things, I am happy that it only took a melted ice cube tray to give me that critical piece of information!

I think that Levi has more extrovert in him than I do.  He starts feeling the affects of cabin fever after about a day.  I think it takes much longer than that for me.  Last week at work, Kath and I were talking about the Outward Bound Program and how part of the program was the self discovery camping.  It involves pitching a tent and staying all by yourself for a period of time.  I think the longest was a week.  I think that there are different types of reactions in this situation and none of them are wrong they just give a clear window into the person:

1.  The people who love being by themselves and have to be dragged kicking and screaming from their tents at the end of the week,

2.  Those who enjoy the time but get lonely part way through and

3.  Those who are printing hand prints on rocks and calling them 'Wilson' after a few hours.

Now Kath and I are both firmly in the first category and although after some time I would start missing the interaction, I love silence and have no need to hear other people at all.  I love that I have time by myself.  Levi is in the second category and his time is about two days.  It may change as he gets older but he is also happy with silence and that makes it fairly quiet 'under the house' sometimes.

As you can see from the photo above, Levi lost another tooth this afternoon.  He was very happy!  He will lose the one beside it fairly soon as well.  It leaves a sizeable hole in his flesh and it is amazing to see the tip of a new white tooth behind it.  He was so enthralled with the tooth, he needed to wash it with toothpaste over and over.  Of course, eventually, he lost his grip and the tooth fell down the sink.  To say he was devastated would be an understatement!  I assured him that if he wrote a letter to the Tooth Fairy, she would understand!  Here is his letter. 

"I was going to wash off the toothpaste and it went down the singk (sink)"

I am sure the Tooth Fairy will still find the $3 coins for his tooth.  Besides, who could possibly resist these eyes?

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