Monday, August 2, 2010

Gen Y ??

I don't really understand the whole Gen Y thing. I know this probably marks me as a Old person and completely out of touch but maybe that is exactly what I am. I know that the statistics say that they will have more job changes in their first 10 years than we will have in a lifetime and other (to me) horrifying numbers. Is that really what is going to make then happy or have they been taught to be so entitled that they leave the instant that things don't go exactly their way.
Two weeks ago, one of the young physios that we had hired for year long positions resigned because there was a 'better' job at the hospital. There was no mention of the dollars that our agency had invested in teaching her, both through my time and with external courses. No thought about what it meant for us or our agency. It was just about what was best for the individual.
I think that we are just creating a generation of completely vulnerable people. In the past resilience was a given. If you fell over, you got up again. If you were unhappy, you found ways of finding happiness. If something bad happened, you got over it. If you signed a contract for a year you worked at it until the end. Now days if something bad happens, the whole school gets counselling. If you are not happy, it's someone else's fault. If something better comes along, you leave the job and there's no skin off your nose. I am sure that our parents worried about us because our morals didn't match theirs, but I worry because all of this changing jobs and being given everything they want doesn't seem to be making them happy. I hope my nieces and nephew can beat that. I have no idea how to help them achieve happiness in a world seeking happiness

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