Monday, November 21, 2011

Kookaburra bites!

Today my finger got totally nailed by a kookaburra.  We feed them ground meat in the mornings, a tradition started by my Dad.  The kookaburra managed to latch onto my finger this time instead of the meat.  Now I sat there for a bit thinking that the bird would eventually work out that my finger was attached and to take the meat instead.  Unfortunately, that wasn't how it worked.  The kookaburra did that very characteristic head shake and it ripped apart the top of my finger.  So now, this  one handed typist is down about 20% of my effective typing ability!

Levi played on the trampoline for hours on Sunday afternoon.  I know that there are arguments for and against trampolines all over the Internet.  I know they are dangerous.  I know that all those good mothers out there are banning their use, but I think that there is some acceptable risk.  The acceptable risk of childhood, at a time when you are most flexible and most able to absorb that risk.  My Dad has built a fairly safe trampoline.  It isn't completely safe but then again, nothing really is.  The trampoline has a net and was built into a hillside, so you can walk onto it from the grass on one side.  You can sit on the grass too and 'Watch me again".
 Levi has just got to where he is starting to really be strong enough to play and experiment with his jumping.  He and Ty have developed a very complicated game of Poison ball that involves two balls and no one 'it'.  They play them against the balls where the trampoline makes the balls random and difficult to predict.

If there is ever a reason for letting him hone his skills on the trampoline, it is the unadulterated joy on his face in this third photo.  I don't remember the last time that I felt that unrestrained in my joy.  Don't get me wrong, I am regularly happy and often joyful, but not like that.  It makes me so happy to watch it on his face.  It makes me so happy to see him come in after jumping, bright red in the face, exhausted but happy!
He gets quite a lot of air too doesn't he!


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